A downloadable game

Hello everyone ! I'm Mafuu and entirely new to this world. I started using & learning on Unity & C# a week ago and decided to try the Ludum Dare 50 Game Jam !

For the Lundum Dare 50 Game Jam challenge, my team and I couldn't finish our project & decided to postpone it for the Extra option LD offers or simply finish it together without a time limit later on when we have more free time (no school or work).

BUT- I really wanted to challenge myself still ! So I made something on my own in the 9 hours left I had for the 72 hours Game Jam ! It was VERY difficult, and I started Unity & C# only last week, but it was really cool still and I can't wait to do more. I learned a lot !

So this maze game was made in 7-8 hours on Unity & C# for the Ludum Dare 50 - and includes the following which I learned at the same time :

• Player movements, Triggers & Colliders
• Pathfinding for AI (at least the basics)
• UI (basics)

I used Brackeys' tutorials a lot but not only. It was both fun and frustrating at times, because I'm new and made so many repetitive mistakes in the beginning with both my team & then on my own for this project.

This is just the start of a long journey for me, as I wish to become a Gameplay Programer / Technical Artist !

Check out my linktree here if you wish to follow me on my socials : https://linktr.ee/makazemafuu
I'm still working on a lot of different projects, including my portfolio that'll slowly have more things inside in the futur.


I had tried to put a timer, which was working except for the part where the player dies and it wouldn't stop, and I couldn't find how to do that before it was too late unfortunately. Any ideas how I could make my timer stop when my GAME OVER display shows ?

Feel free to give me some constructive feedback & tips on how to improve this type of maze game with enemy following you, triggers and such.


MonsterChase.zip 22 MB

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